Aurum is a general purpose discord bot made for fun.
Although there isn't too much functionality as of now, a rewrite is being planned to make it more useful.

The plan is to keep all features free. But if push comes to shove, that may have to be changed.

Use au!help (command) in discord for more specific information.

help | System
Gives the link to this site
patch-notes | System
Gives the recent patch notes
message | System
Can generate a bug report to send to the dev
icon | System
Gives information on the current bot icon
alert | System
Gives message from dev
echo | Fun
Makes the bot say anything
rps | Fun
Play rock, paper, scissors
free-cat | Fun
Gives a random cat (via text)
coin-flip | Fun
Flip a coin
8ball | Fun
Ask a question and get a completely random response
kill | Fun
Tag someone to kill them in a funny way
assassinate | Fun
this one was supposed to be an outcome for kill but it broke the message lmaoo
chinchilla-corral | Fun
Doesnt do much, but the number will be different every so often
draw-card | Fun
Draws a random playing card.
pick-axolotl | Fun
Vote on which minecraft axolotl color is everyone's favorite
hug | Fun
Hug someone
r34 | Troll
Doesn't actually send porn
gayometer | Fun
Guesses how gay you are
roulette | Fun
Russian roulette lmao
draw-card | Fun
Draws a random playing card
math | Useful
Does math
celsius/fahrenheit | Useful
converts a number into whichever temperature unit you put as the command
dickometer | Dumb
Why did i even add this?
copied from dank memer
poll | Utilities
Creates a yes or no poll with a question you ask
announce | Utilities
Makes an announcement
kick | Utilities
Yeets someone and tells them why just to rub it in
ban | Utilities
Same as kick but it smacks them even harder
warn | Utilities
DMs a user and tells them their fucky wucky

A rewrite of the bot is currently being planned.The reason for this is because the app currently being used is, to put it simply, crap. There are limitations to what i can do with the bot, its very finicky with how hosting time is acquired (it has to be done through the app) and the fact that it's kinda expensive.Here are some of the features I plan on adding:
• Better moderation tools
• Image manipulation
• Level system
• Birthday logging
• More and better fun commands
• Much more!
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Patch notes

Aurum | ver. 0.6.0 - beta- rebuild will be tested on the support server
Although that is currently on hold because every tutorial that exists is outdated 🤯
- moved patch notes to carrd (you're here, dingus)
- the temperature conversion to celsius is stll incorrect despite me inputting the equation correctly into the feckin code >:((((

Patch note history

0.1.0 - 0.2.6
- added announce command
- tweeked some shit
- added kick/ban commands
- added categories to the helpcomnand
- fixed the mention issue with echo
- added bug-report
- new icon!
0.2.7 - 0.3.0
- added invite command
0.3.0 - 0.3.9
- changed the bot name (purple milkshake - Butterscotch)
- changed prefix to b!/?

- fixed the rps game
- added free-cat

- added flip-a-coin

- made rps better
- fixed help (no more "b?")
- added 8ball
- added kill
- changed bug-report to message

- new icon
- added more emojis to free-cat

- commands are no longer case sensitive
- added 3 more cats to free-cat

- added give-cookie

- added more to kill

- added delete and bin-check
- everyone can use patch-notes now
0.4.0 - 0.4.9
- added basic-rule-set
- bot is now in beta phase!

- added donate

- added more to kill

- added support for slash commands!
- changed flip-a-coin to coin-flip

- changed alot of shit around
- rebrand

- added frog-corral

- changed give-cookie to give-snackie
- removed random

- added more to free-cat

- added pick-axolotl
- added hug
0.5.0 - 0.5.8
- removed delete
- removed bin-check

- attempted to fix the slash command for kill
- added more strings to kill

- removed case sensitivity on some commands

- added more strings to free-cat
- added lore

- added r34 /t
- added more strings to kill
- added gayometer

- added roulette

- added icon

- added alert

- moved some things around
- added more strings to kill
- added dickometer

- changed prefix from c! to cere!
- disabled lore

- moved command list to

- added more strings to kill
- added assassinate because it was too much for the kill command 💀
- changed bot name to Aurum because he fits the bot better lol
- changed prefix to au!
- disabled donate
- the corral now contains chinchillas
- added more sass
- fuck you /j

- added draw-card

- attempted to add/fix more of the slash commands
- added more strings to free-cat

- added math